Covering With MonoKote

Category: R/C Information Published: Saturday, 25 January 2020 Written by Anthony Curcuruto

You just finished building you model airplane and you have decided to cover it with Monokote. You bought the tools and a couple of rolls of film and now what. Well, there are videos on YouTube that can help you get it done right. Here are the links to the YouTube videos.

MonoKote 101 Part 1

MonoKote 101 Part 2

MonoKote 101 Part 3

I suggest you look at the videos a couple of times before you attempt to cover your model.

               There are a lot of other videos on YouTube for covering. I like the one for Covering Compound Curved Surface with Monokote . You may want to do a couple of searches to find even more videos. In any case, these will get you started. By the way, if you find better videos, let me know and I will include them in this article.

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