Club Membership

Category: Membership Published: Saturday, 25 January 2020 Written by Anthony Curcuruto

To apply for membership to the Top 'O New Jersey R/C Club, please follow the below guidelines...

Membership form can be obtained by contacting the membership chairman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Procedure to Become a Top O’ New Jersey Member

  1. Fill out the application and bring it, a copy of your current AMA Card and FAA certificate, a $25.00 nonrefundable application fee, and first year’s dues, currently $70.00 to the Membership Chairman in person at the next regularly scheduled club meeting. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at the Andover Senior Center at 7:30 PM located on 1 Tranquility Road (RT 517), Andover Borough at 7:30 PM.
  2. Upon completion of #1, your application will be reviewed by the membership committee and club officers. If approved, you will become a "Probationary Member”. This status is maintained and updated monthly with a recorded roll call during each membership meeting.
  3. As a Probationary Member, you will receive a Probationary Member ID card which is valid for the probationary period. The probationary period is April to October of any given year and is a minimum of six months. Example, if a prospective member applies in October, the probationary period will be from October of that year to October of the following year. Probationary members will also receive the TONJ Club Newsletter.
  4. During the minimum six (6) month probation period, Probationary Member will have all the privileges and responsibilities of a “full” member except may not vote.
  5. A new applicant must follow one or both of the processes below if he/she wants to fly at one of our club fields.
    1. A new applicant that needs training has to be on a buddy box. A Training Officer can evaluate an applicant/or member as capable to fly unsupervised. Note: To facilitate flight training a new applicant or member may ask another full member without any flight restrictions to assist said applicant in a supervised flight using a buddy box. Applicants or members must use discretion on who they ask for such assistance.
    2. For an applicant to fly unsupervised he/she must complete a flight without a buddy box proving he/she can take off, fly in a controlled manner, and land an R/C aircraft safely following all of the AMA and club safety rules. Use of a buddy box during sign-off flight will be at the discretion of the instructor. Contact an instructor to schedule a sign-off
  6. A probationary member must demonstrate an active interest in the RC hobby/sport, active in the club by flying/training, attending functions and meetings.
  7. A membership vote will take place at the November meeting to after completion of the candidate’s minimum six (6) month probationary period. Eligible candidates must be present at this meeting A written request for waiver of this condition will be considered by the Executive and Membership committees on an individual basis. All eligible applicants will be named and introduced at this time and voted upon, by an open ballot via show of hands, by the "Voting" members present. The Membership Committee will tally the vote and so inform the President of the results. 75% of the members present, voting in the affirmative, will secure admission to the club. The membership chairman will read the names of the new "Full" members to the membership. Full Membership status does not automatically grant you solo flying privileges. You must still be signed off as indicated in paragraph 5B.
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