
Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 26 January 2020 Written by Anthony Curcuruto

COVID-19 Operations Plan 

This operation plan was developed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in New Jersey Governor Philip D. Murphy’s Executive Orders 133, 143, 147, and 148, as well as those guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH).

Executive Order No. 133 imposed certain mitigation requirements to be followed at State Parks and Forests to ensure that visitors follow CDC and other public health guidelines regarding social distancing, cleaning, sanitizing, and hygiene practices.  The Top O’ New Jersey RC Club’s flying site is located within the Allamuchy Mountain State Park/Hopatcong State Park, and the below listed actions will be instituted to be in compliance with the references listed above to help mitigate contamination and the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

  1. Limit Gatherings to 25 Members or Less.   Executive Order No. 148 limits outdoor gatherings in our State to no more than 25 people to prevent increased transmission through super-spreading events and large community gatherings. The Top O’ New Jersey has cancelled all remaining large events planned for the remainder of the year so the likelihood of having that many members gathered at one time is almost non-existent.  However, members will be required to conduct a head count when arriving at the flying site and if the number including themselves is greater than 25, they must leave and return at another time.
  2. Member Sign-In. All members must sign in the date, time, name, and number of guests in the log book in the box located at the field dedication sign. No exceptions.
  3. Social Distancing. Executive Order No. 148 and CDC guidelines state that maintaining the overall social distancing and mitigation requirements in place while gathering in open-air outdoor spaces, particularly by maintaining a six-foot distance from other individuals, is imperative to continuing to reduce the ongoing risk of community spread of COVID-19.  Per Executive Order No. 148 this excludes immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners.  All Top O’ New Jersey members will be required and reminded to maintain the appropriate social distancing while at the flying site.  Additional steps designed to maintain social distancing are included below.
  4. Use of Face Covering.   Executive Order No. 133 directs visitors should wear cloth face coverings while in the State Park or Forest in all settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, except where doing so would inhibit that individual’s health or where the individual is under two years of age The Top O’ New Jersey will requires the use of face covering.
  5. Designated Parking Area.   Executive Order No. 148 limits available parking at all State Parks and Forests to 50% of the maximum capacity at one time, and visitors shall be prohibited from parking in undesignated areas, including in roadways and other undesignated areas.  The flying site can accommodate up to 30 vehicles.  The Top O’ New Jersey will limit the amount of available parking to 15 spaces parking with a minimum of 10 feet from another vehicle.
  6. TentExecutive Order No. 148 prohibits the use of open-air rain tarps, tents, and other outdoorStructures except for the sole purpose of protecting against foul weather or for shade.  A 10 by 12-foot tarp is located at the flying this site for club members to have shade. Members must supply their own seating and maintain social distancing.
  1. Entrance GateA heavy-duty gate controlled by a combination lock restricts vehicle access to the site, controlled by The Top O’ New Jersey members.  When a member gains access to the field, they unlock a combination lock, unravel a chain wrapped around the gate post and push open the gate.  The gate is left open until the last club member leaves the site.  For COVID-19 mitigation, club members will wear rubber gloves during the opening and closing of the gate, or disinfect the lock and any part of the chain, gate and/or gate post touched by the naked hand during the processAdditionally, disinfect or wash your hands after leaving the field or when you return home.
  2. Pilot Flight Areas. Signage will be placed within the designated pilot flight areas to indicate proper social distancing among pilots.
  3. Additional Signage. In addition to the signage addressed above, one main sign at the field dedication sign will be placed instructing members IF YOU FEEL ILL GO HOME, FACE COVERING IS MANDATORY, MAINTAIN 6 FEET SOCIAL DISTANCING AT ALL TIMES, NO TOUCHING OTHERS, SNEEZE OR COUGH INTO YOUR SLEEVE, DISINFECT YOUR HANDS AND DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE, PARK 10 FEET FROM ANOTHER VEHICLE
  4. Distribution of COVID-19 Operation Plan.  Once approved, this COVID-19 Operations Plan will be distributed to each club member via email and posted on the club web site.  Members will be also instructed that any violation of the plan may result in suspension of privileges and/or expulsion from the Club.
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