Learn to Fly!

Category: R/C Information Published: Saturday, 25 January 2020 Written by Doug Salemi

The Top O' New Jersey R/C Club offers free training to its active members. Our goal is to develop competent, responsible pilots through an orderly process that includes both ground school and in-flight training curriculum. You must have a current AMA membership as well as a full membership in the TONJ in order to participate in the flight instruction portions of the program. Membership applications and processing instructions are available from the membership chairman at a club meeting.

Official Club Training Schedule

Hardyston Field 
Training Officer: Craig Miebach (973) 764-2862
Training Officer: Mike Shauger (973) 271-1170
Training Officer: Charles Lis (973) 827-2440

Reynolds Field 
Training Officer: Position Open

For training our students Mondays are designated for Hardyston and Wednesdays for Reynolds. Feel free to contact our training officers,  if you have any questions about the program. An appointment is necessary for instruction so please call ahead.

All training outside of the official scheduled training days for each field, should be coordinated via appointment with the TONJ instructor. Although you are welcome to show up at the field at any time, there are no guarantees that a qualified instructor will be available if you do not schedule an appointment. Remember, TONJ instructors are avid modelers that enjoy flying their own planes too! Please be understanding if an instructor wants to fly his own aircraft outside of the hours he has set aside for this volunteer activity.

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